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It's What You Know

At Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we believe knowledge is power. That's why we are dedicated to continuing education so we remain on the cutting edge of dental research, treatments, and technology. Then, we bring that knowledge home and share it with our family of patients. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to take great care of your smile for total health and wellness.

Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. William Paini

How Dental Sealants Keep Cavities at Bay!

If you are a parent, you probably know how difficult it is to get Denver children to brush and floss regularly. On top of that, young children often lack the necessary motor skills to properly care for their teeth. At Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we want your whole family to have excellent dental health, so here’s […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health, Dental News
Dr. William Paini

Could Brushing & Flossing Prevent a Heart Attack?

A lot of healthy lifestyle choices benefit more than one system within your body. Eating well, exercising, good sleep, and fresh air all support a lot of your physical needs. So, it shouldn’t be surprising that what hurts one area of your health can easily hurt another area, too. An important (though less known) connection […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. William Paini

Destination Dentistry – Are the Savings Worth the Risk?

Ah, vacation. The sun, the sand, the… gauze in your mouth? Dental work and recovery might not be your preferred use of your precious vacation days, but some people are packing their bags and heading to exotic locations for dental work in hopes of saving money. As medical education and technology improve all around the […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Hot on the Trail with Oral Pathology

When it comes to your oral health, we hope you never have any pains or problems. Good preventive care from Denver dentist Dr. William Paini will help you always feel your best! But even with the best habits, dental problems do happen. In that case, oral pathology is the science and medicine that helps diagnose […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

Dental Bridges 101

A hole in your smile is never a positive thing. It negatively affects physical appearance, eating, speaking, and your overall sense of confidence and well-being. Let Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry bridge the gap between where you are with your smile and where you want to be! A missing tooth or teeth can also cause jaw pain […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

Oral Health Tips at Every Age

A few things are equally important for your oral health, no matter what your age or stage of life. Good nutrition, brushing and flossing habits, visiting the dentist and a little fluoride are always (always) the essentials – you won’t ever hear us say otherwise.  However, your dental hygiene routine requires unique considerations for each […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

The Story of Caries Prevention

If we told you that your mouth is the site of a constant battle between teeth and bacteria, would you believe us? Alright, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but the fact that Denver teeth are always at risk of developing dental caries is no exaggeration. In case you’ve never heard about caries, Dr. Paini is […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

How Dental Nightguards Can Help You

It’s common to see people wearing mouth guards in Denver for protection during all kinds of sports, such as football, basketball, and boxing – but did you know that lots of folks wear mouthguards at night for their dental health? People who grind their teeth (bruxism) and people with sleep apnea can get relief from […]

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Alternative Text Posted 7 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Dental Technology, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

Teeth Grinding, Clenching, and Bruxism

There is a good chance you have heard Dr. Paini or someone else at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry mention the term ‘bruxism’ and discuss the problems it can cause for your oral health. At the office, we talk about a lot of technical dental stuff that doesn’t necessarily concern our Denver patients, but bruxism is something […]

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Alternative Text Posted 7 years ago / Dental Health, Dental Services, Patient Care
Dr. William Paini

Need a Tooth Extraction? Don’t Be Afraid!

We’ve all had a toothache at some point or another. While you should always consult your Denver dentist, it’s not always a serious problem. Often, the issue can be fixed with a filling or a root canal. However, many Denver residents have found themselves in a situation where the tooth is not salvageable, and the […]

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    Denver, CO 80204
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    Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Tuesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
    Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Thursday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Admin Team Only: Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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