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Shhh…straighten teeth secretly

It’s no secret, a crooked smile is not a good look. Then again, neither is a mouth full of metal. How’s that for irony? The only way to fix an unattractive smile is even more unattractive than the problem it’s trying to fix!? Not anymore. Thankfully, with advances in modern orthodontic technology, Invisalign clear aligners can straighten teeth without metal brackets and wires. Only you and your Denver dentist will need to know. When your friends start to notice the results, they might think it’s magic; whether or not you tell them it’s Invisalign is up to you.

The orthodontic effect

We’ve all heard of the butterfly effect, the flutter of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world could cause a tsunami on the other. What about the orthodontic effect? The guiding principle is the same. What may seem like a minor cosmetic correction of your teeth can actually have much larger effects that radiate into all other areas of your life.

This part is obvious. A straight smile is much more attractive than a crooked one. We live in a society where appearances matter, and your smile is one of the first things others notice about you. A beautiful, straight smile will ensure you are putting your best face forward.

When you feel more attractive, your self-esteem and confidence go through the roof. Where you may have been ashamed to show your smile before, you will now feel free to smile and laugh with a new-found sense of confidence.

Others Perceptions
With your new-found sense of confidence, you begin to exude higher level of importance, self-worth, and success. You will begin to notice a change in other’s perceptions of you.

When other people’s perceptions of you begin to change for the better, you will notice new doors of opportunity opening up all around you. From personal relationships to career opportunities, the world is your oyster!

The Invisalign difference

You’re convinced, you definitely want to pursue straightening your teeth, and we applaud you. Straightening your teeth will not only change your smile, it will change your life. Now is the time to decide on a treatment method, and the answer is clear with Invisalign. At Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we don’t want any of our patients to have to endure any more embarrassment because of their smile, and traditional metal braces pretty much guarantee embarrassment. We’ve all heard the nicknames – metal mouth, brace face, cheese grater, tinsel teeth. With Invisalign, not a single soul will notice you are straightening your teeth, all they will notice is the beautiful results.


The Invisalign orthodontic system uses a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners. Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks, gently applying pressure to shift teeth into their desired position. One of the things we love about Invisalign is that the aligners are removable, which makes it easy to enjoy your favorite foods without fear, and maintain optimum oral hygiene throughout treatment.

Choosing to straighten your teeth should be applauded and rewarded, rather than poked fun at and embarrassed about. Your Denver dentist will tell you, aside from the benefits to your appearance, your confidence, and your life, straight teeth are also healthier teeth. If you’ve decided to take charge of your smile and your life, we would love for you to consider the clear, modern approach to orthodontics with Invisalign.

*Dr. Paini is a general dentist providing orthodontic services.

Let's Get Started

If you have any questions about Invisalign, or would like to schedule a consultation with your Denver Invisalign dentist, Dr. Paini at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, please contact us today. Our office is conveniently located in Downtown Denver!

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