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It's What You Know

At Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we believe knowledge is power. That's why we are dedicated to continuing education so we remain on the cutting edge of dental research, treatments, and technology. Then, we bring that knowledge home and share it with our family of patients. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to take great care of your smile for total health and wellness.

Posted 4 years ago / Blog, Dental Health

COVID-19 or Coronavirus

What the COVID-19 is NOT   One must note the current COVID-19 virus is not comparable or the same as other forms of coronaviruses (i.e., kennel cough). Although this virus can be transmitted between species, a study published in February of this year from Hong Kong, where a dog tested “weak positive” for the virus, […]

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Alternative Text Posted 5 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Dry Mouth: Nothing to Spit At

Can you imagine a 2-liter bottle of your favorite soda? Now imagine that same bottle filled with spit. That’s approximately how much saliva the average adult produces in their mouth every day! It may be gross, but it’s definitely important. Saliva is a normal body fluid that’s crucial for oral health and overall wellness. If […]

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Alternative Text Posted 5 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Bleeding Gums

One of the most common and destructive myths about oral hygiene is that it’s normal for gums to bleed. Dr. Paini would like everyone in Denver to know that this is not the case! Imagine if we weren’t talking about gums-should any part of your body start to bleed whenever you touch it? The truth […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

The Tooth About Teeth Grinding

Headaches in Denver are a dime a dozen. We all know the frustration of having your day interrupted by throbbing, shooting pains in the head. If you suffer from frequent headaches that never seem to go away, Dr. Paini would like you to know about bruxism, or teeth grinding. At Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we love […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Don’t Have a Stroke – Your Dentist Can Help

You might be surprised to hear that the state of your oral health has a lot to do with preventing a stroke. There’s a certain kind of bad oral bacteria that cause gum disease, travel to other parts of your body, and cause harm. A stroke is a common but dangerous medical condition that causes […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Hate Flossing? – 5 Flossing Alternatives

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who floss, and those who don’t. Diligent flossers everywhere inspire those of us who live with them or know them. Flossing may not be a philosophical virtue but it’s certainly high on the list of qualities amongst people who “have it together.” Read more below […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Can Plaque Cause Tooth Loss?

If you’ve ever gone too long between brushing your teeth, you know how slimy and dirty your teeth can feel. Some people lovingly call this layer of grime “teeth sweaters.” But it has a real name: plaque. Plaque is common but it can cause poor oral health if you ignore it. Read below for more […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health
Dr. William Paini

Bacteria: The Good, the Bad & the Neutral

Living in a land of antibacterial gels, soaps, plastics, and even fabrics, it might surprise you to hear that tons of bacteria live in your mouth every day, and they aren’t all bad! In fact, some play an important role in keeping up your overall health. Some oral bacteria, however, can cause serious problems and […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. William Paini

Senior Dentistry: Embrace Healthy Aging

Someone once said, “Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many.” How true!  While it can be frustrating to watch your health change as you age, you don’t have to accept poor oral health and tooth loss as just an inevitable part of the aging process. Your oral health is just […]

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Alternative Text Posted 6 years ago / Blog, Dental Health, Dental Services
Dr. William Paini

Are Your Teeth Safe from Coffee Stains?

First things first, put your worries away! We are not about to tell you that your coffee drinking days are over. We know that each shot of caffeine is crucial and we cherish our coffee, too! Here at Advanced Aesthetic Dentistry, we want to educate you on what causes coffee stains and what you can […]

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    Denver, CO 80204
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    Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Tuesday 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
    Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    Thursday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Admin Team Only: Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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